Ensemble de 4 dessins, crayons sur papier
Portrait d’une jeune fille et trois textes : dessin 1 : AND SET-THE WHOLE-LOT ON FIRE-WITH-SOME PETROL dessin 2 : portrait (visage) dessin 3 : THE SKIN OF-YOUR FINGERS SPLIT LIKE-SCALES OF MICA UNDER-HAMMER-BLOWS dessin 4 : I WOULDN’T-MIND-A BIT MORE
Avec cadre : 4 x (42,8 x 31,9 cm)
Les textes des dessins sont issus du scénario de “Week End” de Godard.
Collection IAC, Villeurbanne/Rhône-Alpes
© Jean-Luc Blanc, Photo : Jean-Marc Pharisien

The press release of the show was publised in the first catalog of the artist. It is introduced by a text by Nicolas Bourriaud entitled “Le secret de Jean-Luc Blanc” (“Jean-Luc Blanc’s secret”). The author analyzes the process of decanting and fragmenting the images that haunt the artist’s enigmatic drawings, focusing on the “somnambulic” collection work that presides over their elaboration and the role of memory in their implementation. Using dream-like mechanisms, Jean-Luc Blanc unfolds the different strata of the image and its meanings. His remanent images, often taken from the cinema, the press or obsolete media, once decontextualized in the white of the sheet of paper, manifest a form of muteness behind their initial obviousness.