Hubert Duprat was born in 1957 in Nérac in Lot-et-Garonne, he lives and works in the South of France.
Protean, demanding and complex, Duprat’s work draws inspiration from chance and the empirical, combining the discovery of objects, remnants and texts in a testing-out of matter, technique and dexterity. The artist is equally happy in the natural world or working with strange minerals (iron pyrites, calcite, ulexite, etc.), species that defy classification (amber, coral, etc.) and everyday industrial materials (polystyrene, concrete, paraffin, modelling clay, etc.) His repurposed processes come largely from the crafts – marquetry, goldsmithery, upholstery – but also from such vernacular domains as string art.*
His work can be found in several public collections among which: Museum of Old and New Art (MONA), Tasmanie/AU; Centre Pompidou, Paris/FR; Nouveau Musée National de Monaco, Monaco/FR; Collection Musée des Arts Contemporains de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Grand-Hornu/BE ; Paris Museum of Modern Art, Paris/FR; Musée d’Art Contemporain de Lyon/FR ; Fondation Cartier, Paris; Fond National d’Art Contemporain, Paris; and in numerous regional art funds (FRAC).
A retrospective of his work was presented at the City of Paris Museum of Modern Art in 2020-2021. Solo exhibitions have been dedicated to his work among which: Art : Concept, Paris/FR (2019); MONA, Tasmania/AU (2013); Norwich Museum, Norwich/UK (2011); Centre International d’Art et du Paysage, Vassivière/FR (2008); Musée Picasso, Antibes/FR (1998).
*Read the press release for the exhibition “Hubert Duprat” at the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, written by Jessica Castex, 2020
Hubert Duprat, Les cahiers du Musée national d’art moderne n°163, Sous la direction de Jean-Pierre Criqui, Éditions du Centre Pompidou, 2023 19 x 26 cm. 112 pages EAN 9782844269508 Hubert Duprat, 2020 Catalogue d’exposition / Exhibition catalog Éditions Paris Musées, Paris 21,3 x 30. 176 pages EAN : 9782759604791Hubert Duprat, Miroir du Trichoptère -The Caddisfly’s Mirror, 2020 Fage Editions (with the support of Fondation Antoine de Galbert) Edition bilingue français-anglais 23 x 34 cm. 628 pages, 1 000 illustrations ISBN : 978 2 84975 628 7VOLOS, Hubert Duprat, 2019 Fage éditions 11,5 x 16,5 cm. 64 pages ISBN : 9782849755334 Hubert Duprat. Le Jour Est Entré Dans La Nuit, Éditions les Pérégrines, 2015 13 x 21 cm. 80 pages ISBN: 9791025200803Hubert Duprat, massive centrale, 2011 Silvana Editoriale 27 x 18.5. 120 pages ISBN : 9788836620074Hubert Duprat, 1992 [Exposition du 10 juin au 4 oct. 1992, Hôtel Saint Simon, Angoulême] Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain Poitou-Charentes 62 pages Référence RO80257662