Michel Blazy, 2010, Choses aquatiques vivantes. Crème dessert au chocolat, blanc d’oeufs, lait concentré sucré liquide, lait en poudre, crème dessert vanille sur contreplaqué grignoté à Caen par des souris / chocolate cream dessert, egg whites, liquid sweetened condensed milk, powdered milk, vanilla cream dessert on plywood nibbled by mice in Caen. 157 × 120 cm. Courtesy the Artist and Art : Concept, Paris. Collection privée, France.

Group show.

This exhibition, conceived to celebrate the Thalie Foundation’s 10th anniversary, has its roots in the Créateurs Urgence Climat program, which has been running for the past four years. Through an exhibition and a program of encounters, the program brings together creators and experts from a variety of disciplines, with the aim of pooling and putting into perspective – in work(s) – this transformative research. In dialogue with works from its collection, the Foundation opens itself up to an experimental and forward-looking approach, at the crossroads of art, design and ecology.