Pierre-Olivier Arnaud
Dans l’espace: poussières, points, trames et chatoiements
– L’image prototype, restes et promesses

After its launch at Offprint Paris, Pierre-Olivier Arnaud presents his monograph in the showroom of the gallery, on November 26th from 5pm.

While the regimen of images and their mode of appearance are central preoccupations for the artist, this publication brings together different types of images and puts into perspective the experience of reading these documents: exhibition views on the one hand, and on the other, the presentation of works, by nature reproducible, unfolding in the book.

Textes | Texts: François Aubart, Anne Giffon-Selle

Editorial coordination: Christophe Lemaitre
Layout : Maximage
Typefaces: Signs, Rhymes (Maxitype)
Translated by: Matthieu Ortalda
Proofreading: Juliette Tixier, Christophe Lemaitre, Matthieu Ortalda

Éditeur | Editor: Tombolo presses
Diffusion | Distribution: Les presses du réel

Published in September, 2022
21,6 x 27,9 cm
182 pages

We are pleased to present the first exhibition of the English artist at the gallery.
He presents eight new works, between paintings and bas-reliefs, which testify to his fascination for representation, while at the same time exceeding it.

Anthony Green was born in 1973 in Welwyn Garden City/UK.

He lives and works in Kent/UK.

Vue d’exposition | Installation view, Sul vestito lei ha un corpo, Meris Angioletti e Ulla von Brandenburg, 2020-2022, Courtesy le artiste e XNL Piacenza

Ulla von Brandenburg and Meris Angioletti, invited to rethink the figure of the Franco-Russian artist Sonia Delaunay and the adventure of the Atelier Simultané, have given life to the project “On her dress she has a body”. A show like a dress to wear.

Further information

Ulla von Brandenburg, The Objects, 2009. Film super 16 mm n&b transféré sur HD & dvd blu-ray, sans son, en boucle. 4 min 45 sec. Edition of 5 plus II AP. Courtesy de l’artiste et Art : Concept (Paris) ; Meyer Riegger (Berlin/Karlsruhe) ; Pilar Corrias Gallery (London); Produzentengalerie Hamburg (Hambourg).

In the studio, between the walls of their house-studio, the artists gathered here take for objects spoons, potatoes, toothbrushes up to the indispensable cell phone: all things opportunely banal. In their company, the artists undertake to “disaffect” their medium, be it photography or video. “Nothing is more delightful,” said Francis Ponge [author of Le Parti pris des choses (1942)], “than the constant insurrection of things against the images that are imposed on them. Things do not accept to remain wise as images”.

Produced in Paris in the fall of 2009, The Objects is a black and white film in which Ulla von Brandenburg once again explores the theme of the tableau vivant. In this video, the artist rejects the presence of the human being, who disappears completely to make room for objects; everyday objects that gradually come to life as the camera approaches.

Plus d’informations

Ulla von Brandenburg, Parasol, 2019, tissus, ouate / fabrics, wadding. 263 × 215 cm. Vue de l’exposition / Installation view 1833 : une jeune fille, une machine et leur amitié, commissariat Ida Soulard, image / imatge centre d’art, novembre 2022. Photo Gaëlle Deleflie

Textiles, whether woven, embroidered or sewn, are among the industrial forms most suited to the logic of capital (through its codified abstraction that facilitates its mechanical reproduction). In their vernacular form, they can escape the market and the eye of power. They can exist in the foreground or the background, attract the eye or disappear, be camouflaged, folded, hidden, worn, hung. The works presented in this exhibition are both silent and encoded with multiple meanings. If we know how to look at them, they tell stratified stories, individual and collective, of struggles, workers, feminists, and resistances.

Further information

Extrait : Julien Audebert, Mars & Vénus, phases d’opposition, 2016. Film numérique 4K, couleur, son. 10 min 30 sec. Edition of 5 plus II AP
Film réalisé avec la participation du Centre national des arts plastiques
Production ARTER-VIVANTO 2016
en partenariat avec l’IMCCE-Observatoire de Paris.
Interprétation : Alice Renavand,danseuse étoile de l’Opéra national de Paris.

Vues de l’exposition / Installation view “In this world, I’m a stranger”, 17.11.22 – 31.01.23, HiFlow, Genève. Courtesy the Artist & Art : Concept, Paris. Poto Thomas Cerato
Vues de l’exposition / Installation view “In this world, I’m a stranger”, 17.11.22 – 31.01.23, HiFlow, Genève. Courtesy the Artist & Art : Concept, Paris. Poto Thomas Cerato
L’éternité par les astres – hypothèse astronomique, 2006, contretype sur bromure d’argent, 23 × 29,7 cm. Courtesy the Artist & Art : Concept, Paris.

In 2022, HiFlow investigates the subject of TERRITORY(S). From our relationship to the Earth to the exploration of the cosmos or the development of the metaverse: the perspective of our future habitats and playgrounds; rethinking, designing and protecting them. In this approach, the exhibition is a metaphorical and sometimes real reflection on the state of the earth, before looking to the sky. The sixteen artists presented here are part of a trend that imagines an archaeology of the future – or a prospective analysis of the traces that humans would leave in tomorrow’s world.

The short film Mars and Venus, phases of oppositions, by Julien Audebert, is a sequence shot of 9.45 minutes; its starting point is the reinterpretation of a classical mythological subject: that of the relationship between Mars, god of war and Venus, goddess of love. The film reverses the classical subject, in which Venus is usually represented lying down, observing Mars asleep: here we are placed from the point of view of Mars, embodied by the camera, observing Venus.

Curator: Marie Maertens

With: Julien Audebert – Mustapha Azeroual – Tiki Bordin – Caroline Corbasson et Andrea Montano – Julien Discrit – Félicie d’Estienne d’Orves – Mounir Fatmi – Laurent Grasso – Cyrielle Gulacsy – Alexandre Joly – Joseph Obanubi – Evariste Richer – Pia Rondé & Fabien Saleil – Evelyn Vonesch

HiFlow, Plan-les-Ouates, Switzerland

Further information